What Parents are Saying

She’s shown a incredible improvement in her printing and she’s doubled her daily reading time! 

We weren’t sure exactly what was causing our daughter’s struggle with reading - so we sought help a few different ways, a private reading tutor and Vantage Vision. Both have really helped, she has vastly improved in her reading ability. Dawn noted a great improvement in her eye tracking and movements over the 6 weeks of the program, which has contributed to her increasing confidence when reading.

Colleen S. (Mother) - Grade 2 Student

Reading improved at school after taking the vision therapy program!

What were the circumstances or needs that brought you to us?

Our child started the school year off at below grade level in his reading. For several years he was a very reluctant reader and after visiting a behavioral optometrist was found to have tracking issues. As his needs were not being met in school, we felt he needed a different avenue that would help him in his reading development.

What was the experience like in working with us and with our products?

We found your services to be very professional and we felt well supported throughout the entire program. Our son enjoyed the warm, kind, and empathetic evaluations and vision “games” with Dawn and Milly. 

Emily H. (Mother) - Grade 2 Student

He’s now reading for triple the time each day, since taking the vision therapy program! 

Our son was behind in school and we really needed support but didn't know what direction to go. After hearing about Vantage Vision from the school we started the assessment process and discovered things about his eyes and needs that we would have never recognized on our own. With the parent training option we were able to follow up with his program from home or anywhere over the summer. Now he has made major progress in school and with his eyes, this program has limited the behaviour and brought back his enjoyment of learning.

Kristen S. (Mother) - Grade 1 Student

This vision therapy has greatly improved his ability to manage sensory overload! 

My son has struggled with sensory issues for a long time, head butting everyone, eyes would go watery and kind of wonky when overwhelmed. Would not color or draw, he would throw his paper and start being very obnoxious when doing. A coloring activity. I realized he was very uncomfortable and with help from Dawn he was loving these writing/coloring activities, rarely head buts and rarely gets watery eyes. He now enjoys colouring without getting flighty and frustrated. This vision therapy program has greatly improved his ability to manage his sensory overload as well as greatly improved his motor skill.

Parent of Age 4 Student

At Body Brain Learning we are passionate about discovering the unique design of each person and then finding keys to unlock learning through personalized programs. Our work with individuals always aims to empower them to self-advocate and continue using the keys they acquired with us.

Early detection for vision skills is recommended